We have been blessed with so many wonderful friends and family. So many of you have asked what you can do to help us on this journey. We are very thankful for each one of you.
I will answer this question in two parts.
Part 1: More about our journey:
We have submitted our application and are waiting to be contacted about our classes. In the mean time, we are getting everything ready at home. We are getting licensed for 2 children 12 months or younger. Any gender. Any race. We could get as sibling group or 2 kids from different families.
There are 3 different scenarios in this process:
1. A child (or children) are placed in our home as a foster placement. They will remain in our home until their birth parent does what the state requires of them and they get custody of their child again. This could be a short time (a few weeks) or long term (over a year).
2. A child (or children) are placed in our home as a foster placement. The birth parents lose rights and the child remains in our home and is adopted.
3. A child (or children) are placed in our home directly for the purpose of adoption.
Whether the children are in our home for a short time or forever, there are needs that we will have throughout the process.
Part 2: How you can help:
1. Pray!!
Most importantly, please be praying for us, the kids, future kids, and their parents/families throughout this journey. These kids will be coming to our home under circumstances that are less than ideal. Before you do anything, please pray. This is the most important thing. If you are unable to donate in any other way, that is ok. Please just pray.
2. Monetary Donations:
We will get very little notice (possibly less than an hour) when a child is placed in our home. Until that moment, we will not know the age, gender, race, or any other details about the child(ren).
We are trying our best to be as prepared as possible (preparing a space for the child, carseats, clothes, diapers, etc...) but the bulk of what they need will be purchased after they arrive.
If you would like to help by donating monetarily, you can click the "donate" button at the top left column of this blog.
3. Reasons for donating:
- We are going to be certified for 2 kids. We will need to have duplicates of certain items before we can be licensed. (cribs, car seats, etc...)
- Your donations will help greatly in helping us meet requirements so that we can be licensed.
All that to say, our expenses will come in two phases: preparation and when the children arrive. If you feel led to donate to our fostering/adoption fund, thank you.
Please pray first. And if that is all you feel called to do, that is everything!
Thankful. Blessed.